PHP PEAR session timeout

This problem is driving me crazy. On two separate projects (both of which use PEAR as libraries, but write on completely different custom frameworks) I am using PEAR Auth for authentication that uses a session.

Once logged in, users log out for an hour or so while in standby mode. I don't have an exact time, but it is very short.

I have tried the following with no success. All attempts to extend the session to one day, just to nail the point at home.

// Tried built-in methods to extend the idle time, called after Auth is initialised
$auth->setIdle( 86400 );

// Tried increasing the sesion timeout (before auth is called)
ini_set( 'session.gc_maxlifetime', 86400 );

// Tried increasing the cookie timeout (where the phpsession is held, before auth is called)
session_set_cookie_params( 86400 );

// Tried all of the above


Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is it possible to extend the downtime?

I'm just ready to handle PEAR and write my own cookie-based auth class, but I don't really have the time.


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1 answer

I still haven't encountered this problem, but I see two possible reasons why you haven't figured it out yet:

  • You can check the setExpire () method of the auth class in addition to setIdle ().
  • There could be other php based applications / scripts running on the same server using the same session storage directory with less timeout. According to the session.gc_maxlifetime docs:

    If different scripts have different session.gc_maxlifetime values, but use the same storage space, then the script with the minimum value will be data. In this case, use this directive together withsession.save_path.



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