How to execute the output of ajax script

I am getting ajax exit success data.

If the data contains some html text and script.

But the script is not executing, how can I execute the script.

Let's say the Ajax obj response is



the above code is my Ajax response. The div gets rendered, but the warning doesn't work.


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5 answers

If you are fetching the JSON formatted result from the AJAX call, you can simply use eval to execute javascript.

Suppose if the json result is formed like this:

   var res =  '{"Data": "<something>",
              "script": "alert(something)"}';

   var out = eval("(" + res + ")");
   var data =;




Assuming you are not using JSON or jQuery or any other library, and your AJAX call is returning some HTML and / or javascript which is appended to your existing document (e.g. using innerHTML), any javascript returned using AJAX is not will be executed in the browser - except for events on elements in HTML.

So, if your AJAX call returns <input type="button" value="Click me" onclick="alert('hello');" />

, the js warning will work fine, but if your AJAX call returns <script type="text/javascript">alert('hello');</script>

, it won't execute. In this case, you will have to parse the result in order to extract the javascript and execute it using a function like:

function extract_and_execute_js(output_to_parse)
    if(output_to_parse != '')    
        var script = "";
        output_to_parse = output_to_parse.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(){if (output_to_parse !== null) script += arguments[1] + '\n';return '';});
            if (window.execScript)
                window.setTimeout(script, 0);




Interestingly, I'm using jQuery and using the html () function was enough to get the JavaScript done. So more or less I didn't have anything special.

There is a simplified version:

var myform = $('form#form-id');
$.post(myform.attr('action'), myform.serialize(), function(response) {


In my case, the code kicked in automatically, so I don't need any of the other solutions suggested here.



Not sure if you are using the library, but with Prototype I had to install

evalScripts: true


before JavaScript is evaluated. See here for more information:



Using jQuery here is a simple bit of code:

    type: "POST",
    url: "getData.asmx/HelloWorld",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(result) {


But for actually using the results of the variable result, I ended up using the javascript library, from , I did:

success: function(result) {
    var myData = JSON.parse(result.d);


There are probably better approaches, but it was simple and worked for me, so I just use that. Later, when the project is in production, I can go back and clean it up, but this is after I have everything working.



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