How can I create a button with multiple content values?

My goal is to create a button with two content values.

Think of a Scrabble tile as a button: it has a large letter in the center and a small number in the lower right corner. This is the effect I'm going to do.

I made a button that has two ContentPresenter objects and I gave each of the ContentPresenters a different style. However, I have not found a way to give each of the presenters a separate value (ie, if I set the button content to "X", then both ContentPresenters show "X", albeit in different styles).

How can I achieve my goal? I guess my approach is completely wrong ....


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3 answers

Bah ... I think I know what to do now. I have to make my own control, not change the button. It would be obvious to me if I was working in WinForms, but somehow all this Xaml makes me stupid.



Take a look at the ControlTemplate Expander sample at

The extender is a subclass of HeaderedContentControl, it has two "contents": Header and Content

The control template has two ContentPresenter elements, ContentPresenter not bound to the default content property is defined as:

<ContentPresenter ContentSource = "Title" />

If you need to use a button and you don't want to add another property for the second content, you can use the attached property and the data binds the second ContentPresnter Content property to it.



I came up with creating a UserControl with multiple "content slots" here - it's better than getting a HeaderedControl since you are not limited in the number of slots.

Sample usage:

<Window x:Class="TkMVVMContainersSample.Services.TaskEditDialog.ItemEditView"
            <!-- Heading string goes here -->
            <!-- Concrete dialog content goes here -->
            <!-- Concrete dialog buttons go here -->





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