IPhone style buttons

Is there a standard / common way to create iPhone style image buttons? that is, backlit and rounded corners.


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4 answers

The answers to this question provide some ways to do this. Also, I provide an example of a glitter gradient for painting a custom button look here .



You may find useful links:

IPhone UI PSD: http://www.teehanlax.com/blog/?p=447

IPhone Toolbar Style Icons: http://glyphish.com/




There are images that you can download from Apple here.


which are suitable for use as iPhone button backgrounds.



The way I did it was using custom images.

If it's just one button, you can create an image for the entire button. If it is just a background and you are going to reuse it with different button caption text, you can create an appropriate smaller image and use - stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth: topCapHeight: (UIImage method to create new images).

The graphics editor I'm using is Fireworks.

I've always seen others do it too. My design friends use Photoshop.

Some of the Apple code examples (like UICatalog) have background images that you can use.



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