Variable event

I have a problem with Klondike Solitaire. I am programming. It's almost over, but now when I try to compile (I'm using Dr. Java, yes I know) it keeps showing up with 2 errors.

  • Unable to find symbol: variable event
  • Unable to find symbol: method "findbunki" (java.awt.Point) I already imported java.awt, so it can't be.

Does any genius know what my problem might be? :)


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2 answers

Without the code, this would be my guess:

1) you are using a variable named "event", but it is not one of the arguments in your method. (Alternatively: you forgot to declare it, but from the name I assume it belongs to the method call)

2) You call the findbunki method on an object of type java.awt.Point. The point doesn't have this method. Find a class that has a fundbunki method (perhaps one of your own classes) and call the method on an object of that type.



You need to import java.awt.event. *;



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