Can't open minidump (* .dmp) file in Visual Studio .NET 2005?

I created a minidump using win32 api [DllImport ("DbgHelp.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool MiniDumpWriteDump (

The dmp file was created successfully.

I am trying to open this * .dmp file in another instance of visual studio to find the crash location,

in visual studio -> FILE -> open project, file dmp option is not available.

I selected all files in the open file menu and opened the dmp file. but i cant debug,

any idea why my dump file option in visual studio is disabled.

I know I can use windbg and other tools, it will be easy for me to use visual studio as it is available to me.


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2 answers

I'm not 100% sure. But I think that even if you open it in VisualStudio, VS doesn't support half of the commands that WinDbg does to parse the dmp. So, I'm just sticking with WinDbg. WinDbg is a free download ... so yours too. It's not the easiest to use, I always need to open help to find the commands I want, but it works really well.

Download here for 32bit:



It looks like you are opening the dump correctly.

Here's what the Visual Studio Help files say:

"To open a dump file On the File menu, select Open and then Project."

In the Open Project dialog box, locate and select the dump file.

It usually has a .dmp extension.

Click OK.

To find binaries to debug the crash dump, Visual Studio 2005 looks in the symbol search paths. To make Visual Studio 2005 find binaries, you can add the symbol search path in the Options dialog box or Modules window. For more information, see How to: Specify the Path to a Symbol. "

You yourself say

"... and opened the dmp file, but I can't debug"

So you open a dump file OK in Visual Studio, but what do you mean, "I can't debug?"

If you don't see your source code, it's because Visual Studio doesn't know where it is. Follow the instructions to set up the symbol search path.

If you cannot go through your code, it is because you cannot do it with minidump. The process that the mini-drive produced has disappeared and cannot be completed further.

If you cannot check the call stack or the contents of the variables, it is because Visual Studio cannot find the .pdb file with debug information.



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