How to change CSS properties of html elements using javascript or jquery

How to change CSS

to javascript


I am using jQuery-ui Dialog

and I want to change the style DIV

from javascript.


javascript jquery css jquery-ui jquery-ui-dialog

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4 answers

Check out the jQuery documentation . If you need anything, it will be there.

Anyway, if you want to add styles to elements, you need to use a function css

that has several options.

$(selector).css(properties);  // option 1
$(selector).css(name, value); // option 2


So, if you have a DIV with id "mydiv" and you want to make a red background, you would do

$("div#mydiv").css({'background-color' : 'red'}); // option 1
$("div#mydiv").css('background-color','red');     // option 2


The first method is easier if you are installing several things at once.

If you want to check which property is currently set, you must use a variation of the second option, just omit the value.

var color = $("div#mydiv").css('background-color');


Would make var color

be red

if you already set it above eg.

You can also add and remove classes by doing something like




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This answer works even without jQuery.

So, you have something like this:

<style type="text/css">
    .foo { color: Red; }
    .bar { color: Blue; }
<div class="foo" id="redtext"> some red text here </div>


If you only want to change some of the attributes, you can always find the element using

var div = document.getElementById('redtext');


and then change the style of the attached color to = 'Green';


Instead, your red text will appear in green.

If you want to change the class defined for the div to a different style class, you can do:

div.className = 'bar';


causing the div to now use the class bar, which makes your blue green text blue.


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There are several ways to manipulate element styles using the jQuery framework. Check out the documentation related to CSS and changing attributes:


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Try it. This is jquery code.



If you are using vanila javacript try this.

var myDiv = document,getElementById("myDiv"); = "block"; = "red";



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