Approach to sql bin packing problem

I have a problem in sql where I need to create a packing list from a list of transactions.

Data model

Transactions are stored in a table containing:

  • transaction id
  • item id
  • amount of elements

Each transaction can have multiple items (and coincidentally multiple rows with the same transaction ID). Each element then has a count from 1 to N.

Business problem

The business requires us to create a packing slip where each item on the packing slip contains the quantity of each item in the box.

Each box can only contain 160 items (they are all the same size / weight). Based on the total order bill, we need to split the items into different boxes (sometimes dividing even separate collections of items into two parts)

So the challenge is to accept this data schema and come up with a result set that includes how much of each item belongs in each field.

I am currently rudely forcing this not so pretty and wondering if anyone has a nifty / simple solution that I missed.

I / O example

We really need to isolate the quantity of each item in each field ... for example:

Order 1:

  • 100 element A
  • 100 element B
  • 140 element C

This will result in three rows appearing in the result set:
  • Box 1: A (100), B (60)
  • Box 2: B (40), C (120)
  • Box 3: C (20)

Ideally, the query would be smart enough to combine all the Cs, but for now - we're not too worried about that.


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5 answers

How about something like

SELECT SUM([Item quantity]) as totalItems
     , SUM([Item quantity]) / 160 as totalBoxes
     , MOD(SUM([Item Quantity), 160) amountInLastBox
FROM [Transactions]
GROUP BY [Transaction Id]


Let me know what fields in the result list you are looking for and I could come up with a better one



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I was looking for something similar and all I could achieve was expanding the rows to the number of items in a transaction and grouping them into bins. Not very elegant though .. Also, since row aggregation is still very cumbersome in SQL Server (Oracle, I miss you!), I have to leave the last part. I mean summing up the counters in one row.

My solution looks like this:

Example of a transaction table:

INSERT INTO transactions
(trans_id, item, cnt) VALUES


Create a dummy sequence table that contains numbers from 1 to 1000 (I'm assuming the maximum number allowed for an item in one transaction is 1000):



Now we can create a temporary table from the transaction table, in which each transaction and item exists "cnt" times in a subquery, and then gives the numbers in cells using division and grouping by cell number:

SELECT bin_nr, item, count(*) count_in_bin
INTO result
  SELECT t.item, ((row_number() over (order by t.item, s.n) - 1) / 160) + 1 as bin_nr
  FROM transactions t 
  INNER JOIN numseq s
  ON t.cnt >= s.n -- join conditionally to repeat transaction rows "cnt" times
) a
GROUP BY bin_id, item
ORDER BY bin_id, item



bin_id item count_in_bin
1      A    160
2      A    30
2      B    100
2      C    30
3      C    50


In Oracle, the last step is just as simple:

SELECT bin_id, WM_CONCAT(CONCAT(item,'(',count_in_bin,')')) contents
FROM result
GROUP BY bin_id






This is not the nicest answer, but I use a similar method to keep track of stock items through the ordering process, which is easy to understand and could lead to developing a better method than mine.

I would create a table called "PackedItem" or something similar. The columns will be:

packed_item_id (int) - Primary Key, Identity column
trans_id (int)
item_id (int)
box_number (int)


Each entry in this table represents 1 physical unit that you will send.

Let's say someone adds a row to transaction 4 with 20 of 12, I would add 20 records to the PackedItem table, all with a Transaction ID, Item ID and NULL number. If the row is updated, you need to add or remove records from the PackedItem table so that there is always a 1: 1 correlation.

When the time is right, you can just

SELECT TOP 160 FROM PackedItem WHERE trans_id = 4 AND box_number IS NULL


and set box_number

these entries to the next available window number until there are no entries left, where box_number

is NULL. This is possible using one rather complicated UPDATE statement inside a WHILE loop, which I don't have time for a complete build.

Now you can easily get your desired packing list by querying this table like this:

SELECT box_number, item_id, COUNT(*) AS Qty
FROM PackedItem
WHERE trans_id = 4
GROUP BY box_number, item_id


Benefits - easy to understand, fairly easy to implement. Pitfalls - if the table is out of sync with the transaction rows, the end result may be wrong; There will be many entries in this table, and this will be additional work for the server. It will be necessary that each identifier field be indexed to ensure good performance.



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