Easiest way to animate a background image sliding to the left?

What's the best way to animate a background image sliding to the left and looping? Let's say I have a progress bar with a background that I want to animate when it is active (for example, in Gnome or OS X).

I have been playing around with the $ (...) function. animate () and trying to change the corresponding CSS property, but I keep hitting the brick wall trying to figure out how to change the background position of the property. I can't just increase its value, and I'm not sure if this is even the best approach.

Any help is appreciated!


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4 answers

Once I posted this I figured it out. In case it helps anyone else, here's the function I ran into:

function animateBar(self) {
    // Setup
    var bar = self.element.find('.ui-progress-bar');

    bar.css('background-position', '0px 0px');

        backgroundPosition: '-20px 0px'
    }, 1000, 'linear', function() {




Just a suggestion, but instead of using a standard function and passing an element as an argument, it would be better to use fn.extend.

    animateBar: function(){
       $(this).find('.ui-progress-bar').css('background-position', '0px 0px');
            backgroundPosition: '-20px 0px'
       }, 1000, 'linear', function() {


Then you call the function like this:




 animateBar( $(this) );


Just my 2 cents. However, @Markus Gif's solutions are definitely superior unless you have a specific reason to use a jQuery animated image. Also, your solution won't work on its own.



I would say the best solution in your case (animation of the progress bar) is to use an animated .gif as the background of the background image.

Also, to switch from a static progress bar to an animated one, just use something like:

$("#progress").css("background-image", "progress.gif");




You can use the Spritely plugin , and for your case of animating a sliding background and repeating it, you can use panning () which constantly moves the background image left or right and then repeats.



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