Combining XPathResults from document.evaluate

I am doing a bunch of document.evaluate, then iterating over each result with a for loop on result.snapshotLength


Since I am doing the same inside each loop (a thisDiv.parentNode.removeChild

), I would like to do only one loop.

I read that:

The fifth parameter can be used to combine the results of two XPath queries. Passing the previous call to document.evaluate as a result, and it will return the combined results of both queries

So, I tried:

comDivs = document.evaluate(
    "//div[@class='class name 1']",

ggDivs = document.evaluate(
    "//div[@class='class name 2']",


But that doesn't work (although I don't have an error log, it just doesn't work).

What's the correct way to do this? Can I run different XPath queries and combine the results? Or is there a way to pass regular expressions or some kind of interleaving of the query itself?

The code I have now is:

Thank you for your help!


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1 answer

You can simplify your XPath in usercript and combine individual expressions with " |


"//div[@class='reactionsCom reactionsNiv1 first'] | " + 
"//div[@class='googleBanner'] | " + 
"//div[@class='blocE1B-16b'] | " +
"//div[@class='blocE1B-16b clear']"


or even better in one expression with severel conditions:

"//div[@class='reactionsCom reactionsNiv1 first' or " +
      "@class='googleBanner' or " +
      "@class='blocE1B-16b' or " +
      "@class='blocE1B-16b clear']"


As in your example above, iirc the second query will find matches if the result of f contains the first query, i.e. if //div[@class='class name 2']

, where are the child result nodes from the first query //div[@class='class name 2']




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