Oracle JDBC selection returning WHERE 0

Similar question: Strange JDBC issue, select returns null but people didn't ask for that.

My code:

public int myMethod(String day) throws SQLException{
  String sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = " + day;
  Connection connection = ConnFactory.get();
  PreparedStatement prepareStatement = null;
  ResultSet resultSet = null;
  int ret = -1;
      prepareStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
      resultSet = prepareStatement.executeQuery(sql);
          ret = resultSet.getInt(1);
  catch(SQLException sqle){
      // closing statement & ResultSet, log and throw exception
     // closing statement & ResultSet

  return ret;


This code always returns 0. I am trying to run sql before executing and try to run it in SQLdeveloper and get the correct value (over 100). When I remove WHERE, the sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable

query returns the number of all rows in the table. I am using Oracle 10g with ojdbc-14.jar (latest version from maven repo) and Java 6.


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3 answers


was not specified correctly, I would suggest using a prepared statement like a prepared statement like this:

try {
    prepareStatement = connection.prepareStatement("Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = ?");



sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = '" + day + "'";


with several advantages over the latter (mainly security and performance). Cm:



First of all, using sql like this is not recommended. Because it leads to SQL injection.

In the future, try using as below and use PreparedStatement to do

String sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = ? "


For your solution you tried

String sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = '" + day + "'";




karim79 is a good answer, you forgot to add apostrophes to your "day" meaning

String sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = '" + day + "'";




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