Is spam the killer of website authentication?

I find it so difficult to send authentication mail to a new user that I consider relying only on a third party logging system like stackoverflow.

The problem is that contrary to this site, my site is aimed at a less technical audience.

Two questions arise:

What is the solution to get a solid email delivery solution to stop losing a new customer and fix my system? (lost about 50% of them, as I write)

Do you stop showing identification and rely solely on a third party service if your audience is not so technical?


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4 answers

Maybe you should start figuring out why your emails are lost or flagged as spam? If you are sending sensible content from a properly configured, non-blacklisted mail server, there is no reason to lose 50% of your emails.

Your best option is probably to send mail to an account that provides a detailed report on spam checking software and addresses each of the problems or rules that break your mail. If this is not possible, you should check if your mail server is blacklisted (as Jonas recommended), your server configuration (your mail server may have a HELO with the wrong hostname), the format of the mail message itself (your software may create incorrectly formatted message), the content of the message (this is wording similar to regular spam or phishing mail), and if you have included unnecessary file attachments. Without more detailed information, however, it is not possible to be more specific.



If there was a "solution for getting reliable email delivery" then spammers would use it.

If you could make your email address "not spam" then spammers could.

Having said that, I believe Framework Policy Policy ( ) can make a difference.



  • Make sure your SMTP server is not blacklisted .
  • Make sure your test mail contains only one link and one link.
  • Rephrase.
  • As a last resort, ask them to send you a letter. The only safe bet for doing this I know of is using a unique address in the mailto-link. Something like


Why are you losing so many leads?

Is it because they are not receiving your email, or is it not okay with it?

For users who are not tech-savvy, you need to make it clear what they should be doing. Check your emails; they say in no uncertain terms where they come from, what the user should do, and what will the user get rid of? Check your checkout page: Does it clearly tell the user to check their email and what will they find?

Ask a friend who is tech-savvy to sign your service and share their experience. (If this is not something you would do with a friend, then my strong suggestion is to immediately leave your business and seek spiritual help for what you have done with others.) Try it on something else, common sense. Watch the user try to create an account without teaching this friend. You will probably learn a lot.



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