Emacs - comparable repetition lines in ERC

Is there a way to force ERC to highlight all lines that match a specific regex? For context, I'm using ERC to connect to the bitlbee server and wish that when I issue the "blist" command, my friends who are online are highlighted in green and those away from them are highlighted in red.


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2 answers

Several modules come with erc. Configure erc-modules

it to contain the module match

. Then set up erc-keywords

which can contain regex and cons cells where regex is in machine and face is in cdr.

Don't know about regex to differentiate online and off. Is the output from blist different for both?


I cannot figure out how to insert custom faces (I mean non-existing symbols like a face default

) in the customization buffer. So this is where the variable is directly set:

(setq erc-keywords '(("online-regexp" (:foreground "green"))
                     ("away-regexp" (:foreground "red"))))




I've never used ERC, but regex highlighting in emacs can be activated with Mx highlight-regexp



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