Securing MBeans Operations

I have some MBean operations that I need to secure. I would like users to be required to be logged in as server admin, and I would like this to be configured programmatically or preferably in a config file in the WAR when the application is deployed. I want the admin not to set this as a deployment step.

We use glass fish, but a neutral platform is preferred. However, the config files in the glass box will be fine.


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1 answer

By default, the Sun JDK allows access control by placing credentials on a filesystem that will live outside of your jar. For details, see the management guide .

However, since you want to control things from your application, you can use JAAS to replace the file-based configuration with your own. See the java docs at for details .

You can programmatically enter your JAAS provider and then manage the authentication data however you like.



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