Compile the website and some links are not copied to the ASP.NET temp folder.

Scenerio: I have an site that I compile successfully but keep getting an error in the browser saying it cannot find the referenced DLL in the solution. I checked the directory in the temp location of the ASP.NET file and all of my referenced links are there except for the ones I can't find. I manually added the location he was looking for and the site worked. The dll is referenced in code, so it should be moved to a temporary folder. Does anyone know why this is happening? I checked the properties in the specified DLL and copied local to true, so it should be moved to the output directory.


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3 answers

Right click on the DLLs in the links / trash directory in your project and look at the Copy Local property. Make sure they are set to True.



After hours of googling and searching for nothing, I decided to take a look at the actual properties of the dll file. To my surprise, the problem was resolved. For some reason, one dll that was beating me all day needed the correct permissions to move to the output folder. ughhh.



When you say "link in code" do you mean it is listed in the link to the project file? Or do you mean that you manually reference / name it in your source code?

Have you tried this in your web.config (or higher in the config chain?)

<hostingEnvironment shadowCopyBinAssemblies="false" />


Where exactly do you expect it to be copied? What is the path of the error message?



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