ASP.NET MVC Access Application Property From Model

my global.asax looks like this:

Imports Castle.Windsor
Imports Castle.Windsor.Configuration.Interpreters

Public Class MvcApplication
    Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
    Implements IContainerAccessor

    Private Shared IoC As IWindsorContainer

    Shared Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)

        ' MapRoute takes the following parameters, in order:
        ' (1) Route name
        ' (2) URL with parameters
        ' (3) Parameter defaults
        routes.MapRoute( _
            "Default", _
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
            New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index", .id = ""} _

    End Sub

    Sub Application_Start()
        IoC = New WindsorContainer(New XmlInterpreter)
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Container() As Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer Implements Castle.Windsor.IContainerAccessor.Container
            Return IoC
        End Get
    End Property
End Class


How can I access the Container property from any model class? there is a class that I inherit that gives me the "Application" property like in the view so I can do this

IoC = Application.Item ("Container") ...


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1 answer

You probably don't want your model objects to know about your IoC container.

But to answer your question, you can access it like this:


var container = ((IContainerAccessor)MvcApplication).Container;




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