Regular expression to match "select ... from ... where" sql query

I want to find the "select from where" sequence in a string. For example,

"select * from T WHERE t.c1 =1"


should be compared.

Here is the regex pattern I wrote:



But that won't work. What's wrong with him?


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6 answers

You don't have to have a backslash; since you did, the engine tries to match a literal point, not "any character" as you would expect.




Also, like the others posted, make sure to be in case insensitive mode. How you do this depends on the language you are using.



I'm not sure which regex engine you are targeting, but you can try this:

# note the trailing i, which in perl means case-insensitive
# this will also put the interesting bits into regex backreferences
# This also changes \s to \s+ in case you have a situation with multiple
# spaces between terms




One problem with RE is that it is case sensitive. Depending on the form of RE, there is probably a flag to indicate case-sensitive matching. For example, Perl-compatible REs use the "/ i" flag:/SELECT\s.*FROM\s.*WHERE\s.*/i




  • Your sql statement will not span rows.
  • You won't have two sql statements on the same line.

This works for me.



Java escaped version:

String regex = "SELECT\\s+?[^\\s]+?\\s+?FROM\\s+?[^\\s]+?\\s+?WHERE.*";


You can add a terminator instead. * depending on your case. Of course, you have to run it in case insensitive mode, or change the regex accordingly.



Thanks guys answer. I got a response from mmyers, here is my final solution:

        string szPattern = @"SELECT\s.*FROM\s.*WHERE\s.*";
        Regex  rRegEX = new Regex ( szPattern,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline );
        Match match =rRegEX.Match(testCase.Statement);
        if (match.Success)




Try this regex, I tried to be a little more strict with the table and column names, and also consider using a filter with (=, <=,> =, <,> and IN ()):

string regex = "SELECT\W(([a-zA-z0-9]+)([,]*)\W)+\WFROM\W([a-zA-z0-9#]+)(\W[a-zA-Z])*\WWHERE\W([a-zA-z0-9_]+)\W([=<>IN(]+)\W(.+)"




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