List of filters in MS-Access link table?

WinXP Pro Oracle 10g Instant Client MS Access 2003

When I link a table in MS Access, a selection list appears that shows me every table and view on the system that I have access to. The list is pretty long. Usually I just want to look at the tables I have. Is there a way to filter the displayed items based on owner or other criteria?


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3 answers

Not really.

You can get around this by setting up another account that just has access to your tables and links to them that way. When you're happy with a bang with the links you've created, you can always update the links (link to the new location pointing to your account) in the Link Table Manager.



You can create a local table of objects (tables and views) that you own in a remote database. Then you can write VBA code where by traversing this table and using the doCmd.TransferDatabase method you can generate your links automatically.



Yes, you can set the SCHEMALIST parameter on your ODBC connection (in the advanced settings tab) and specify the table schemas you want to include in the link list in the table. This will only return the tables that you specified in SCHEMALIST.



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