DLGTEMPLATE - CWnd control

Is it possible to take DLGTEMPLATE and use it as a CWnd control to host in any other CWnd?

I have a dialog template that I want to use on one of my CDockablePanes


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1 answer

Your question is not clear, please rephrase. If you are asking if it is possible to instantiate a control from DLGTEMPLATE and place it in another dialog or as a child of another control, then yes it is. It's a big PITA though, after reading the Old New Thing blog (series on dialogue patterns) if you want to know the details. If you just want to make it work, use the CDlgTempl class from one of the MSDN samples; start here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/155257 . It won't create CWnd controls, but they are not what you want if you ask what I think; you will get an object created with CDialog (which is actually derived from CWnd, so in that sense it gives you what you ask for).



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