IPhone - show reverse audio recording using AVAudioRecorder

I am using the AVAudioRecorder class to write to a wav file. I would like to implement a writeback of a recording (like the SpeakHere example) that shows the recording level.

I looked at the SpeakHere sample but couldn't figure out how the recording level changed. Can someone explain to me what needs to be done?



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2 answers

If you are using AVAudioRecorder, you can only use the following power levels:

- (float)peakPowerForChannel:(NSUInteger)channelNumber
- (void)updateMeters


Those give values ​​for the graph. There are simpler ways to plot these values, but to see how the SpeakHere sample does, see their README:


The AQLevelMeter class defines the level meter view for the applcation, displaying the metering data from an AudioQueue object


LevelMeter is a base metering class, providing simple functionality for displaying level data


GLLevelMeter is a subclass of LevelMeter that uses OpenGL for drawing





Mahboudz's answer is correct, although I found this method to be more responsive than "peakPowerForChannel":

- (float)averagePowerForChannel:(NSUInteger)channelNumber


Then I converted the float value to a slightly more useful 0-10 scale with this calculation: (Be sure to use MIN and MAX to ensure that the number is within the range, because on rare occasions it can go outside the 0-10 range.)

// Decrease the divisor to increase the responsiveness
int translatedValue = (averagePowerFloat / 6 + 11);


Then I have a loop on a background thread that calls "updateMeters" 10 times per second and updates the progress bar with the recording level. It seems to work pretty well.



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