IPhone Styles Settings for Static Library / Frame

I'm looking for a clean way to define global styles for an application, fonts, colors, etc. I have a static library that will be included in other applications, each application has its own styles, borders, fills, backgrounds.

How can I enable the system with cocoa so that I can set certain styles for this library. I looked at Joe Hewitt's Three20 library http://github.com/joehewitt/three20 (look at TTStyleSheet.h and the implementation), here it does what I think it does but it seems too complicated.

I wonder if anyone has a better system .. using a global delegate?


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2 answers

Three20 works great for me actually. You can just subclass TTStyle

and override its method drawStyle

(or something similar). Then subclass TTDefaultStyleSheet

and use [TTStyleSheet setGlobalStyleSheet:]




It was actually easier that I thought it was a class I created to do this, based on the "Style Sheets" idea from "Troika20" without the overhead.





 Created by Shane Saunders on 02/10/2009.
 2009 GNative.

 This is a condensed Style Sheet idea.
 Its only in Beta form and might need some work.
 Any upgrades please contact me with your changes

 Credit to Joe Hewitt for his idea from the Three20 library


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#define GNSTYLE(_SELECTOR) [[GNStyle globalStyleSheet] styleWithSelector:@#_SELECTOR]
#define GNSTYLESTATE(_SELECTOR, _STATE) [[GNStyle globalStyleSheet] styleWithSelector:@#_SELECTOR forState:_STATE]
#define GNSTYLESHEET ((id)[GNStyle globalStyleSheet])

@interface GNStyle : NSObject {
    NSMutableDictionary* _styles;

+ (GNStyle*)globalStyleSheet;
+ (void)setGlobalStyleSheet:(GNStyle*)styleSheet;

- (id)styleWithSelector:(NSString*)selector;
- (id)styleWithSelector:(NSString*)selector forState:(UIControlState)state;



 Default Style Sheet


@interface GNDefaultStyle : GNStyle {








 Created by Shane Saunders on 02/10/2009.
 2009 GNative.

 This is a condensed Style Sheet idea.
 Its only in Beta form and might need some work.
 Any upgrades please contact me with your changes

 Credit to Joe Hewitt for his idea from the Three20 library


#import "GNStyle.h"

static GNStyle* gStyleSheet = nil;

@implementation GNStyle

+ (GNStyle*)globalStyleSheet {
    if (!gStyleSheet) {
        gStyleSheet = [[GNDefaultStyle alloc] init];
    return gStyleSheet;

+ (void)setGlobalStyleSheet:(GNStyle*)styleSheet {
    [gStyleSheet release];
    gStyleSheet = [styleSheet retain];

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

- (id)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _styles = nil;
    return self;

- (void)dealloc { 
    [super dealloc];

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning:(void*)object {


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

- (id)styleWithSelector:(NSString*)selector {
    return [self styleWithSelector:selector forState:UIControlStateNormal];

- (id)styleWithSelector:(NSString*)selector forState:(UIControlState)state {
    NSString* key = state == UIControlStateNormal ? selector : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", selector, state];
    GNStyle* style = [_styles objectForKey:key];

    if (!style) {
        SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(selector);
        if ([self respondsToSelector:sel]) {
            style = [self performSelector:sel withObject:(id)state];
            if (style) {
                if (!_styles) {
                    _styles = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
                [_styles setObject:style forKey:key];
    return style;



 Default Style Sheet


@implementation GNDefaultStyle

    return [UIColor redColor];

    if (state == UIControlStateHighlighted)
        return [UIColor yellowColor];
        return [UIColor greenColor];




The use is very simple.

#import GNStyle.h

UIColor *colorOne = GNSTYLE(colorOne);  
UIColor *normalColor = GNSTYLESTATE(stateColor:, UIControlStateNormal);
UIColor *highlightColor = GNSTYLESTATE(stateColor:, UIControlStateHighlighted);


I think there are changes that can be made to make this better. If you use this and update you can contact me.




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