Linq to SQL & Castle IoC Container health check please

I've just started using both Linq to SQL and Windsor Castle IoC container for a new web application, and while everything works fine in preliminary tests, I could actually do it with a health check.

I was having problems when I tried to pull objects from the database using Linq to different parts of the application and then update them in the database. Since they were from different data contexts, I was unable to save the changes.

This way I created a single data file used throughout the application - hopefully on a per request basis. - Is this a reasonable way to fix the problem?

It looks like this:

public class DataContextAccessor : IDataContextAccessor
    private readonly DataContext dataContext;
    public DataContextAccessor(string connString)
        dataContext = new DataContext(connString);
    public DataContext DataContext { get { return dataContext; } }


I used a padlock to tweak it like this:

  <component id="DataContextAccessor" service="DomainModel.Repositories.IDataContextAccessor, DomainModel"
                      type="DomainModel.Repositories.DataContextAccessor, DomainModel" lifestyle="PerWebRequest">


Then whenever I want to get into the database in a class, I just declare IDataContext datacontext

in my constructor.

  • Will this (I hope) create a single data context for every web request - and not give me any race issues when there are many requests coming in at the same time?

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1 answer

The problem I see will be that your IDataContextAccessor interface exposes a DataContext property like this:

public interface IDataContextAccessor{
  DataContext DataContext{get;}


The problem is that you actually tightly coupled your interface to the DataContext generated by linq, which means a mockery, and unit testing will be nearly impossible.



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