Get Windows Authentication Token using Javascript for Integrated Security (not using IIS)

I want to authenticate users in a web application. Users are already signed in to their Windows network. Please note that this is NOT an internet information server. I have a Java application server on the other side. Is there a way to use Javascript or something else so that Windows authentication can be done, then send to the server and to the server, this token is verified (if the server is on the same network). I found that you can convert the token to Windows Principle So I need the client side. The way to send this token to the server.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

If you've configured a Java web application to support NTLM authentication, for example using the HttpServletFilter from the Java Samba library, this should work without implementing any client-side JavaScript.

Depending on which browser the client is using, you may need to configure the browser to enable NTLM authentication on your server. If I'm not mistaken, IE is configured by default to transparently authenticate NTLM on servers on the LAN, but in Firefox you have to enable NTLM for each specific server address.



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