Python loop | "do-while" over the tree

Is there a more pythonic way to link this loop ?:

while True:
    children = tree.getChildren()
    if not children:
    tree = children[0]


UPDATE: I think this syntax is probably what I will be working with:

while tree.getChildren():
    tree = tree.getChildren()[0]



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5 answers

children = tree.getChildren()
while children:
    tree = children[0]
    children = tree.getChildren()


It would be easier to suggest something if I knew which collection you are working with. In a good api, you could probably do something like

while tree.hasChildren():
    children = tree.getChildren()
    tree = children[0]




(My first answer suggested using it iter(tree.getChildren, None)

directly, but that won't work since we don't call the same function all the time tree.getChildren


To fix this, I propose a solution using lambda unrelated to its variables as a possible workaround. I think at the moment this solution is no better than any other previously posted:

You can use iter () in its second sentinel form using the weird lamda binding:

for children in iter((lambda : tree.getChildren()), None):
    tree = children[0]


(This assumes getChildren () returns None

when there are no children, but needs to be replaced with any return value ( []


iter(function, sentinel)

calls the function repeatedly until it returns the breakpoint value.



Do you really only want the first branch? I'm going to assume that you don't, and that you want the whole tree. First I would do this:

def allitems(tree):
    for child in tree.getChildren():
        yield child
        for grandchild in allitems(child):
            yield grandchild


This will go through the entire tree. Then you can simply:

for item in allitems(tree):


Pythonic, simple, clean, and since it uses generators won't use much memory even for huge trees.



I think your code is fine. If you really wanted it, you can wrap the whole thing in try / except:

while True:
        tree = tree.getChildren()[0]
    except (IndexError, TypeError):



will work if it getChildren()

returns an empty list when there are no children. If it returns False

either 0

or None

or some other invalid false value TypeError

will handle the exception.

But this is another way to do it. Again, I don't think the Pythonistas will be looking for you for the code you already have.



Without further testing, I believe this should work:

try:    while True: tree=tree.getChildren()[0]
except: pass


You can also override the __getitem__()

(parenthesis operator) in the class Tree

for further optimization.

try:    while True: tree=tree[0]
except: pass




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