NeuPro Language?

I don't have many questions about how to program something, but I'm looking for information on a specific programming language that I can't seem to find anywhere else. This seems to be referenced in several docs I look at. The name of the language is "NeuPro" - it will work with Neural Networks and seems to have a syntax very similar to the prologue. Anyway, if someone can shed some light to give a link, I can work on it, it would be great.


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Perhaps this is a reference to Neural Prolog.

Neural Prolog - Concepts, Design and Mechanism

This article presents a prologue-like inference system based on Neural Logic. A brief introduction to the background of this study is the first. Logical basis, knowledge of the construction mechanism and the inference of Neural Prolog are described

Integration of Prolog and Neural Networks to Combat Sensitivity in Logic Programs

Neuro-Prolog, which combines the C-Prolog Interpreter Prolog and the SunNet neural network simulator, is described. Using Neuro-Prolog, users can process both certain information, such as logical rules, and undefined information, such as sensitivity, simultaneously in one system. In Neuro-Prolog, certain information is processed in Prolog and undefined information is processed in neural networks.



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