C ++ Managed Web Reference to WCF Service Issues

I developed a simple WCF service called CLSAPIService in which Content contains an UpdateLastOpenCloseCall method:

[OperationContract(Name = "UpdateLastOpenCloseCall", Action = "http://uniform.com/UpdateLastOpenCloseCall")]
CallResult UpdateLastOpenCloseCall(int iSwitchID, int iAgentID, string strExtension, BusinessDataField[] bdFields);


One of its parameters is a simple DataContract:

public struct BusinessDataField
    public string Name;
    public object Value;


Then I created a simple test project in Managed C ++ in Visual.Net 2005 and created a web link for the service:

CLSAPIProxy::CLSAPIService^ service = gcnew CLSAPIProxy::CLSAPIService();
CLSAPIProxy::BusinessDataField ^f1 = gcnew CLSAPIProxy::BusinessDataField();
f1->Name = L"test_string";
f1->Value = L"string";

CLSAPIProxy::BusinessDataField ^f2 = gcnew CLSAPIProxy::BusinessDataField();
f2->Name = L"test_int";
f2->Value = 123;

System::Collections::Generic::List<CLSAPIProxy::BusinessDataField^> ^list = gcnew;


When the BusinessDataField structure arrives in a WCF method, it seems that only the Value property is updated and the Name property is null

, even though I assigned a value to it.

What could be the problem?


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1 answer

add the order to your data member. [DataMember (Name = "FirstName", IsRequired = true, Order = 2 )] and refer to the following article: Reorder Data Items



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