The nested records are sql server

select Table1.colID, Table1.colName, 
(select * from Table2 where Table2.colID = Table1.colID) as NestedRows
from Table1


The above query gives you this error: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not allowed when the subquery follows = ,! =, <, <=,>,> = or when a subquery is used .....

Can anyone explain why this limitation exists?

I got this idea that a multi-user query like this would be good for creating OO objects directly from the database with 1 query


This question is pretty theoretical. To solve this practical problem, I would use a join or just do 2 queries, but I was wondering if there was something preventing you from returning a column as a table (in SQL Server 2008, you can create table types).

Say you have class correlation in your code, think Linq2Sql

public class Table1
  public int colID,
  public string colName,
  public List<Table2> table2s;


I would like to be able to populate instances of this class directly with 1 request


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4 answers

You seem to want the recordset (multiple columns and multiple rows) to be returned from table2 for every row in table1. If this is correct, perhaps you can return the data as XML from the DB. Something like that...

select Table1.colID, Table1.colName, Table2.*
from   Table1
       Inner Join Table2
         On Table1.ColId = Table2.ColId
Order By Table1.ColId
For XML Auto


Then, for each row in Table 1, you get multiple sub-nodes in XML for the data in Table 2.

There will likely be performance implications when returning the XML from your database as well as loading the data structure in the front. I don't necessarily assume this is the best approach, but it is probably worth exploring.



Because the subquery in the select clause must be "inserted" into the column value in every row of the result set from the outer query. You cannot put a set of values ​​in one cell (one column of one row) of a result set.

You need to use inner join. multiple rows returned by the concatenated table will appear as multiple rows in the final result set.



You would be better off using an INNER JOIN between the two tables and just fetch the rows you want from each table.

SELECT tab1.colID, tab1.colName, tab2.Column1, tab2.column2
FROM dbo.Table1 AS tab1
    INNER JOIN dbo.Table2 AS tab2
        ON tab1.colID = tab2.colID


Remember, however, that the data from Table 1 will be repeated for every comparable record in Table 2. While I believe that the query I posted will get the data in the form you are looking for, I do not think this is the best method for querying the database. I would either run separate queries, or put separate queries in a stored procedure and return multiple result sets.



I think the query you are looking for is probably:

select Table1.colID, Table1.colName,Table2.*
from Table1 inner join Table2 ON Table1.colID = Table2.colID


Subqueries are most often used (at least by me) in the WHERE clause.



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