Optimized project structure in Eclipse CDT

I am on a C ++ project on linux in the starting stages. (the team contains 3-5 developers, IDE - Eclipse CDT 6). And I am interested to know what should be the structure of a project on the following topics:

  • Dependency management, how would you link to different subproject directories in the same project
  • Building system, makefile or Eclipse automake? (Eclipse generates makefiles for each project and I want a common makefile for all subprojects)
  • As part of a test environment, would I prefer a pre-compiled library or keep the source of the structure in the project and then build a general build process?

Examples of subprojects

  • /Project.Model.A
  • /Project.Model.B
  • /Project.Model.A.Tests
  • /Project.Model.B.Tests
  • /Project.Views etc.

And I'm looking for an open source project similar to this framework ...



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2 answers

Poco frame fits



For a great looking huge C ++ project with many nested autogenerated Makefiles, I suggest you check out the QT 4 sources. It's amazing how they achieve a very solid and robust framework with so many subprojects and dependencies. Anyway, it's true that they use QMake (native tool) to handle .pro (project descriptions) and .pri (project include) files.

I recently worked with the CMake build system and I have to say this in a very manual way, forcing you to split sources from binaries by design and with general good tools to tweak your compiler options. I know this should be Eclipse compatible, more on that here . This will also allow you to customize the graphics and make the tool within Eclipse.



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