Get Live Data from iPhone to Mac

I am experimenting with iPhone sensors. At the moment I am looking at the accelerometer data, writing it to a file, loading the file through Xcode and loading the file into my Ruby-Processing application. Since I play a lot, this process is annoying. It would be great to have a live stream of data on the Mac and see what is happening in real time.

So what would be the easiest / fastest way to prototype realtime data playback?

I guess I could just send data over the network and have a Cocoa / OpenGL app read the rendering. What do you think? Could you please give me some hints on how to do this? Thank!


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1 answer

Take a look at NSNetServices and bonjour. There are some good examples and the use of bonjour makes the discovery and communication process much easier. The hardest part is the socket you use to set up your "server", but the examples give you all the code you need.



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