Tokenizer for C #?
Are there any functions built into the .NET framework somewhere to tokenize C # code? I am not going to create a tokenizer in C #, I am looking for something that can tokenize the C # source code.
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3 answers
The only thing that comes to mind is a parser generator like ANTLR which is C # Sample Grammar . Bison / Flex also looks like it has a pretty good C # gramma . Parsing any language and then actually understanding it is quite difficult, so I wish you the best of luck.
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No, it is not built into the framework.
However, you can have a look at Irony and C # Parser on CodePlex, as both provide a parser / lexer for at least plain C #
John Gietzen
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GOLD Parser also has a C # grammar (for parsing C #) and written in C # (so you can execute this grammar using C # code).
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