How do I split a string in Ruby?

I have special strings for example name1="value1" name2='value2'

. Values ​​can contain spaces and are delimited by single quotes or double quotes. The names never contain spaces. name / value pairs are separated by spaces.

I want to parse them into a list of name-value pairs like this

string.magic_split() => { "name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value2" }


If Ruby understood the statements I could make, I could do it with

string.split(/[\'\"](?=\s)/).each do |element|
    element =~ /(\w+)=[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]/
    hash[$1] = $2


but Ruby doesn't understand view-based views, so I'm somewhat stuck.

However, I am sure there are much more elegant ways to solve this problem anyway, so I turn to you. Do you have a good idea for solving this problem?


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5 answers

It doesn't fit with meanings like "hello," she said, but that might be enough.

str = %q(name1="value1" name2='value 2')
p Hash[ *str.chop.split( /' |" |='|="/ ) ]
#=> {"name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value 2"}




This is not a complete answer, but Oniguruma , the standard regex library in 1.9, supports lookaround assertions. It can be installed like a gem if you are using Ruby 1.8.x.

However, and as Sorpigal commented, instead of using a regex, I would tend to iterate through the string one character at a time, keeping track of whether or not you are in the name part when you reach an equal sign, when you are in quotes and when you reach an agreed closing quote. When you reach the final quote, you can put the name and value in the hash and move on to the next entry.



class String

  def magic_split
    str = self.gsub('"', '\'').gsub('\' ', '\'\, ').split('\, ').map{ |str| str.gsub("'", "").split("=") }





This should do it for you.

 class SpecialString
   def self.parse(string){|s| s.split("=") }.inject({}) {|h, a| h[a[0]] = a[1].gsub(/"|'/, ""); h }




Try: /[='"] ?/

I don't know the Ruby syntax, but here is a Perl script you can translate

use 5.10.1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my $str =  qq/name1="val ue1" name2='va lue2'/;

my @list = split/[='"] ?/,$str;
my %hash;
for (my $i=0; $i<@list;$i+=3) {
  $hash{$list[$i]} = $list[$i+2];
say Dumper \%hash;



$VAR1 = {
          'name2' => 'va lue2',
          'name1' => 'val ue1'




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