Dynamic ChannelFactory Building

I am trying to dynamically create a ChannelFactory:

var serviceType = GetServiceProxy();
var interfaceType = serviceType.GetServiceInterface(); //return IServiceInterface
var service = new ChannelFactory(binding, address);


the problem, as you can see, is on the second line where I don't have a generic type and unfortunately ChannelFactory doesn't have an overload that takes a type.

Anyway around him?


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2 answers

It turned out that I can only do this with reflection. Of course, you also need to call methods using reflection.

to create a "ChannelFactory" and call the "CreateChannel" method:

private ChannelFactory CreateChannelFactory()
   var channelFactoryType = typeof (ChannelFactory);

   channelFactoryType = channelFactoryType.MakeGenericType(serviceType);

   return (ChannelFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(channelFactoryType, binding, address);

private object CreateChannel()
   var createchannel = channelFactory.GetType().GetMethod("CreateChannel", new Type[0]);
   return createchannel.Invoke(channelFactory, null);


Now the channel is created, but since only the interface type is available, I can only receive method calls:

var serviceType = service.GetType();
var remoteMethod = service.GetMethod(invocation.Method.Name);

remoteMethod.Invoke(service, invocation.Arguments);




Hadi : is this forum post here (check Roman Kiss's answer by submitting a custom ) address you are looking for? ChannelFactory2

If so, you can stop reading my answer :-)

Well, normally you would do this:

1) have your service interface (IMyServiceInterface)

2) create / get binding and endpoint information

3) Create a factory channel for this interface:

ChannelFactory<IMyServiceInterface> myChannelFactory =
    new ChannelFactory<IMyServiceInterface>(myBinding, myEndpoint);


4) from this factory channel, create your client proxy:

IMyServiceInterface client = myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();


5) Calling methods for this client:



So which part is you wanting to be more general or more dynamic, and why? What is the motivation / driving force behind this idea?




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