C ++ list delete function help

I am trying to do a simple delete and keep getting errors.

Here is a piece of code for my erasure:

std::list<Mine*>::iterator iterMines = mines.begin();
for(int i = oldSizeOfMines; i >0 ; i--, iterMines++)
    if(player->distanceFrom(*iterMines) < radiusOfOnScreen)
        iterMines = onScreen.erase(iterMines);


I keep getting the compiler message:

1>c:\users\owner\desktop\bosconian\code\bosconian\environment.cpp(158) : error C2664: 'std::list<_Ty>::_Iterator<_Secure_validation> std::list<_Ty>::erase(std::list<_Ty>::_Iterator<_Secure_validation>)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::list<_Ty>::_Iterator<_Secure_validation>' to 'std::list<_Ty>::_Iterator<_Secure_validation>'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            _Ty=SpaceObject *,
1>            _Secure_validation=true
1>        ]
1>        and
1>        [
1>            _Ty=Mine *,
1>            _Secure_validation=true
1>        ]
1>        and
1>        [
1>            _Ty=SpaceObject *,
1>            _Secure_validation=true
1>        ]
1>        No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called


I am puzzled because I believe I am giving it the correct iterator.

Mine is a subclass of SpaceObject (a second generation subclass that is)

Does it have anything to do with it? And how can I fix this?


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3 answers

The problem is when you are trying to use the mine iterator as an iterator on the onScreen list. It won't work.

Did you mean calling mines.erase (iterMines) instead of onScreen.erase (iterMines)?



std::list<Mine*>::iterator iterMines = mines.begin();
for(int i = oldSizeOfMines; i >0 ; i--, iterMines++)
        if(player->distanceFrom(*iterMines) < radiusOfOnScreen)
                iterMines = onScreen.erase(iterMines);


One real problem and one possible solution:


will give you the next iterator after the removed item. So, if you are at the beginning and erased, you will be given a new beginning. If you then shrink the iterator, you shrink it to the beginning. And this is not true. It is best to output iterMines++

to the loop body:

std::list<Mine*>::iterator iterMines = mines.begin();
for(int i = oldSizeOfMines; i >0 ; i--)
        if(player->distanceFrom(*iterMines) < radiusOfOnScreen)
                iterMines = mines.erase(iterMines); // change to mines!!
        } else { 
            ++iterMines; // better to use ++it instead of it++


It's better to use pre-increment for this as you never know what the iterator is doing behind the scenes when it creates a copy of itself. ++it

will return a new iterator, but it++

will return a copy of the iterator before incrementing. I commented on the part where a solution is possible :)





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