ASP.NET InnerXml automatically / incorrectly adds attribute text to tags

So, I have XML in the following format:

    <html xmlns="">
            <p>P one</p>
            <p>Another p</p>


There is some html inside that I thought would not be a problem as it would just be treated as xml.

I am trying to select the content (InnerXml) of an object <body> tag. However, using



returns null

and using



gives InnerXml, but each <p> is added xmlns=""

, so the output looks like this:

<p xmlns="">P one</p><p xmlns="">Another p</p>


Can anyone shed some light on this? Looks like some really strange behavior, any help would be appreciated. I am using 2.0 only, so unfortunately trying linq is not an option.


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2 answers

Your xpath expression does not specify a default namespace. What about:

XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
nsMgr.AddNamespace("xhtml", "");

XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("somenode/xhtml:html/xhtml:body", nsMgr);




Since the element <html>

defines the default namespace . All elements within it without a namespace prefix have the same default namespace.

Since the content of the body tag is 2 separate elements <p>

, they both get a declaration. If you have other elements inside your elements <p>

, they will not have a declaration on them.



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