How to map data type oracle SYS.XMLTYPE in Nhiberbate

I have a table in oracle that has a datatType SYS.XMLTYPE column and need to map it to Nhibernate hbm to fetch the XML. I am using C # with .net framework 3.5, is there any specific datatype to map this or can I use byte [] or char [] to map?




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2 answers

I think the best approach is to create an N Hibernate UserType , although you can get read-only access using a formulaic approach and clob mapping.

an example of this in Hibernate that can be easily ported to .net (see also this forum post and this blog post )

In general I find it useful to look for solutions to these problems using the "Hibernate" keyword as well as "NHibernate" for these problems, since solutions are often easily portable to NHibernate



use XMLDOC ... it works like charm



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