Where is the IMAP support in the .NET Framework?
A year ago, Mitchell Sellers had a related question ...
I would like to access Google IMAP to send and receive emails in my custom application.
The point is, I would not like to use third party controls.
Do newer versions of the .Net Framework support IMAP? What options do I have?
There used to be Indy components for Borland Delphi that were ported to C # and .NET.
There is no built-in support for this. As I know.
.NET framework is not supported for IMAP. You will need to use a third party component.
Try the Mail.dll email component , it's very affordable and easy to use:
using(Imap imap = new Imap())
imap.Login("user", "password");
List<long> uids = imap.SearchFlag(Flag.Unseen);
foreach (long uid in uids)
string eml = imap.GetMessageByUID(uid);
IMail message = new MailBuilder()
You can download it here: http://www.lesnikowski.com/mail/ .
There is no IMAP support in current versions of .NET, and I haven't heard of any plans to add such support to the framework. You should try one of the third party components.
You can check Rebex Secure Mail .
The following code shows how to download messages from a folder Inbox
// create client, connect and log in
Imap client = new Imap();
client.Login("username", "password");
// select folder
// get message list
ImapMessageCollection list = client.GetMessageList(ImapListFields.Fast);
if (list.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("There are no messages in the mailbox.");
// download the first message
MailMessage message = client.GetMailMessage(list[0].SequenceNumber);
Trial can be downloaded from www.rebex.net/secure-mail.net/
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