How to get device username other information in iphone?

In my iphone app, I want custom devices to display all setting data with code. i.e. username, device OS, device version, etc.

Is it possible to use the code or not?


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2 answers

Are you looking for [UIDevice currentDevice]

? Check out this one .



Apple has access to all unique information from public interfaces, including the device's unique identifier.

Perhaps your best bet is to give your User the ability to contribute to your application, whatever they wish, so that you can find out - and possibly share it.

You can create a unique identifier:

CFUUIDRef theUUID = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
NSString* myuniqueID = (__bridge NSString*)CFUUIDCreateString (kCFAllocatorDefault, theUUID);


and save it for later use in your NSUserDefaults application



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