VS2008 javascript debugger in usercontrol

In a VS2008 web project, I have a usercontrol with some javascript that I want to debug. When I try to set a breakpoint, I get "This is not a valid breakpoint location." I tried this on a regular aspx page and was able to set a breakpoint exactly.

Is there some kind of limitation for setting javascript breakpoints in usercontrols? Are there any settings that need to be changed?



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2 answers

I am also unable to set a breakpoint in my usercontrol.

You can try adding a keyword debugger;

, Sys.Debug.fail('message')

or Sys.Debugger.assert(a == 1)

to your javascript, to make the breakpoint work for this problem.



in vs .net you can add keyword debugger to your js function using piug-in browser development, since firebug (firefox, i.e. also has a dev plugin) the page stops at where you point the debugger. eg:

function myFunc()
  //do sth





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