Internet usage statistics
Google Zeitgeist stopped providing this information back in '04 (or some time around).
W3Schools has some interesting data , but keep in mind that the audience that uses it is mostly developers, so it is more technically skewed.
Unfortunately, there is no good source for detailed browser / OS statistics on the Internet as it looks at proprietary information on most sites.
Honestly, it's best to take statistics from your site. You can use your server logs for this, or you can use Google Analytics as others have mentioned. This can be used to record and view statistics about your site quite nicely.
The reason you want to get statistics about your own site is because it is difficult to say that the demographics that one site or service use will be the same as yours. If you take your own site statistics, then you know which site your site is using, which is much more useful than general statistics on the Internet, since user groups come in many varieties depending on the site.
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Zeitgeist is more of a collection of google search statistics. You are probably wrong with Google Analytics .
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