How can I execute a command when the buffer is closed in vim?

Is there something like closing the window in vim / vimscript so that I can call the function every time the window is closed?

I want to use it for the following scenario: I am using an additional scratch window to display file information, and when I close the file, I want the scratch window to close automatically, so that vim exits.

If you have any ideas on how to achieve this without a hook, that would be just as good.

edit: I know about :qa[ll]

, but I'm lazy and only want to print :q

or ZZ


edit2.71828183: I accepted the autocommand's answer as it was closest to the original question, but found another solution in using a preview window instead of a broken window. The preview window is automatically closed when the last "normal" window is closed.


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4 answers

auto teams are awesome! I'm sure this will BufLeave

do the job in this case , but you might want to BufWinLeave

? Look :help autocmd-events

for a complete list of events.

Another bit you'll take care of is this: you can have buffered local autocommands! ( :help autocmd-buflocal


You can define one for the current buffer using au BufLeave <buffer> ...

. My best guess is that you can run this on any command that creates a zero window. You should be able to cache the zero window buffer number in a global variable when you open window zero, then your autocommand can simply delete that buffer ( :help :bdelete


au BufLeave <buffer> bdelete g:scratch_buffer
call CreateScratchWindow()

function CreateScratchWindow() {
    let g:scratch_buffer = bufnr("")


There is also a winbufnr function to get the buffer numbers for a window. You can use one of these - just make sure the window / scratch buffer is current when you use it! ("" Indicates the current window / buffer).



Add display.

:nnoremap :q :qa


then if you want to use :q

one day you can simply



and usually you can just



and get



is free.



Ok, not exactly a new question, but I found it, which I now know is BufWinLeave

. However, the scenario that the author describes is in my vimrc

c NerdTree

, for example. when the last buffer is closed, I want vim to close the buffer NerdTree

"and then exit.

autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") && b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif


Replace the specific material NerdTree

with how the buffer is identified scratch




you can use






to close all windows at the same time.

add !

if you want to ignore unsaved changes.





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