VBscript RecordSet update function causing DBISAM parsing error

I am having difficulty using Update function on RecordSet object when using DBISAM 4 ODBC driver. This is what my code looks like.

dtmNewDate = DateSerial(1997, 2, 3)

'Create connection object & connection string

Set AConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

strConnection = "Driver={DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver}; CatalogName=S:\RAPID\Z998\2008; ReadOnly=False"
Aconnection.Mode = adModeReadWrite

AConnection.Open strConnection

'create SQL statement to be run in order to populate the recordset

strSQLEmployeeBDate = "SELECT * FROM Z998EMPL WHERE state = 'NY'"

'Create Recordset object

Set rsRecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rsRecSet.LockType = 2

rsRecSet.Open strSQLEmployeeBDate, AConnection

While Not rsRecSet.EOF 

  rsRecSet.Fields("BIRTHDATE").value = dtmNewDate





When I try to execute this code, I get the following error:

"DBISAM Engine Error #11949 SQL Parsing error- Expected ( but instead found = in UPDATE SQL statement at line 1, column 336"


I cannot figure out what is causing this error. Anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this?


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1 answer

DBISAM error messages Check the field name.



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