Can I run IPhone applications in a virtual machine?

Is it possible to run an IPhone application in a Windows virtual machine. I would like to create a test suite for IPhone applications. Will I have to buy additional cars. I already have an iMac and an Iphone 3G, but they are being used for development.


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4 answers

Well there are sites that allow you to download VMWare images from macOS. Running the iPhone simulator on windows has been done before . I can't say how legal it is.



IPhone Simulator is for Mac OS X only. You cannot run it on any other platform.



I already have an iMac

I assume you mean the iMac and it got capitalized.

Why couldn't you use this iMac to run the iPhone simulator? Aren't you the one who uses this mac for development?

Having dev tools on the machine won't stop you from running the simulator on it.



OSX cannot legally run in a virtual machine. The server version is virtualized, but much more expensive. There is currently no other solution for developing iPhone without OSX.



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