Adding Total Cost - ASP while

I'm a simple cart page that displays content in a table and I'm trying to figure out a way to add a Cost column and then display the total price at the bottom. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? The part that is confusing me is that it is dynamically created via ASP.

My code can be found here:

Any suggestions?


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1 answer

First, it is a special kind of painful (asp classic in all its glory)

You need another variable to store your values, then sum it up in each loop iteration

While Not objRS.EOF
    totalCost = trim(objRS.Fields("quantity"))*trim(objRS.Fields("p_price"))
    absoluteTotal = absoluteTotal + totalCost




Response.Write absoluteTotal


This will output the sum of all totals, although you probably want to format it better with html and whatnot



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