A CS4 flash rotating around the Z axis without distortion for the center of the scene, is it possible?

I have three boxes rotating around their Z-axis respectively. What I am trying to do is make them rotate around their respective Z-axis without distorting if I move them away from the center of my scene.

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateBoxes);

function rotateBoxes(e:Event):void


example here http://www.hupcapstudios.com/tween1.swf

there is a built-in parameter like ...

box1.globalPerspective = false;


it is more visible when rotating around the x-axis

example http://www.hupcapstudios.com/tweenXswf


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1 answer

You need to set the perspective of your clip's projection to the center ... see: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS3LCR/Flash_10.0/flash/geom/PerspectiveProjection.html#projectionCenter

Something like this should work if your clip's registration point is in the center:

var pp:PerspectiveProjection=new PerspectiveProjection();
pp.projectionCenter = new Point(clip.width/2,clip.height/2);
clip.transform.perspectiveProjection = pp;




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