Raising ActionScript 2.0 events from another project

I have an ActionScript 2.0 file that contains a small library. This library parses an XML file. I assigned the onComplete function to the onLoad function for XML.

For example:

------------ mysmalllib.as --------------
r_xml = new XML();
r_xml.onLoad = onComplete;

function onComplete(success:Boolean) {
           // some stuff

------------ mainProgram.fla --------------
import mylib.mysmalllib;

var flashCall = new mylib.mysmalllib;

function toBeCalled() {


The thing I want is, whenever the OtherFunction (which exists in mysmalllib) is called, another function in my main program should be notified (toBeCalled). I suppose it has something to do with the submission, but I'm not very good at AS.



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1 answer

I did a quick google search and found this:


It seems that you need to know what you need to know about EventDispatcher in AS2



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