How to write it better in Clojure
My hash structure
(def *document-hash* {"documentid" {:term-detail {"term1" tf1 ,"term2" tf2}})
I want to find tf. I have it right now. Is there a better way to do this in clojure?
;; Find tf
(defn find-tf [documentid term-number]
(if (nil? *document-hash* documentid)
(if (nil? (((*document-hash* documentid) :term-detail) term-number))
(((*document-hash* documentid) :term-detail) term-number))))
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1 answer
Updated to work with Ref:
(def *document-hash* (ref (hash-map)))
(dosync (alter *document-hash* conj {12603 {:term-detail {2 10}, :doclen 30}}))
(defn find-tf [documentid term-number]
(or (get-in @*document-hash* [documentid :term-detail term-number])
(find-tf 12603 2) ; yields 10
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