What is the most widely used programming language today?
I refer you to the following video, which describes how to implement Conway Game of Life in APL using a few dozen keystrokes:
This video was featured prominently in Uncle Bob Martin's Return , in which Scott Hanselman complains that "his hands hurt" from programming in languages that require too many keystrokes.
Of course, none of us will replace our keyboards to learn an old, outdated programming language (or are we?), But I've heard programmers can be two to three times more productive depending on the language they work. Is it because they work in dense languages?
What are the most widely used (practical) programming languages currently? Do they improve performance because they are dense?
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I think this question can be answered if you consider the types of support libraries available for the language. For example, I can do things in PHP with very few lines of code because there is a lot of help out there for network requests, graphics processing, array and string processing, etc. Etc.
Using jQuery means I am printing less when writing the script as well. Therefore, the question is not as simple as you think.
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Nowadays, both Perl and many functional languages can be very concise, although APL is still considered the champion in this.
In terms of performance, there is a level where compression can help (Python and Ruby are considered to be more performant than Java / C # because they are more concise), and then there is a level where terseness makes the code very difficult to read (APL is known. as well as short Perl scripts). A balance is needed between them. In addition, there are a number of autocomplete editors that allow, for example, longer variable names without requiring a lot of text input.
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just look at the code-golf tagged threads :)
From the definition of code golf ...
It seems that someone gives us a problem to solve, puts a code golf question and the winner is the one who completes the solution in the least number of characters
As in golf, where the lowest score wins, the fewest characters "win." While by far the best solution in every case is not necessarily the solution that has the fewest characters or less than a line of code, it can be an interesting way to do your muscle programming.
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