Can multiple CSS popups occupy the same space within a single div?

I'm trying to get text spaces to pop up on the hover pseudo class for different lines in a menu (list items). I can have popups taking up the same space in a div if the menu / list is horizontal, but the vertical list puts the popups at the same vertical height as the "parent" list / menu item.

Here is the relevant code that I have so far:

<div id="greenback">
  <div class="serviceframe">
    <div class="serviceslist">
<li><a href="">item 1<span>this is popup1.</span></a></li>

<p><li><a href="">item 2<span>This is popup 2 text but I want it to appear in exactly the same place as popup 1 text does.</span></a></li></p>

<p><li><a href="">item 3<span>same here - how can I get all popups positioned in exactly the same place?</span></a></li></p>
        </div><!-- closes serviceslist-->
    </div><!-- closes serviceframe -->
</div><!-- closes greenback-->



ul {
    list-style: disc url(w-arrow.png) outside;

#greenback {
    position: relative ;
        top: 0em ;
    width: 800px ;
    height: 250px ;
    background-color: #7EBB11 ;
    border: 3px solid #112D82 ;

/*********SERVICE LIST MENU**********/
.serviceframe { 
    position: relative ;
    width: 100% ;
    height: 94% ; 
    background-color: #666666 ; 
    top: 3%; bottom: 3%;
/*--serviceframe is now sitting in greenback--*/

.serviceslist {
    position: relative ;
    width: 100% ;
    height: 90%  ;
    top: 1% ;
    background-color: #7EBB11 ;
    font-family: Optima, Calibri, Candara, Century-Gothic, 
    Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 100% ;
    color: black ;
    display: table-cell ;
    vertical-align: middle ;
    z-index: 100 ;

.serviceslist a 
    {position: relative;
    display: table-cell; text-align: left; height: 100%;  font: 1em sans-serif; 
    text-decoration: none; color: #112D82; 
    background: #7EBB11 ; 

/*appearance of the <a> item (but before the <span> tag) on hover*/
.serviceslist a:hover {
    color: white;

/*appearance of the spanned content within <a></a> tags when not hovered*/
.serviceslist a span {display: none;}

/*appearance of spanned content within <a> tags when hovered*/
.serviceslist a:hover span {
    position: absolute;
    display: table-cell;  
    margin-top: 0em; margin-left: -50%; z-index: 100;
    width: 40%; height: auto; color: #FFFFFF;  background-color: #7EBB11;
    font: 14px Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: left;



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2 answers

Mine is mine that a lot of HTML and CSS for a simple task. I won't try to read all of this, but just give you your answer.

  <li><a href="">item 1<span>this is popup1.</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="">item 2<span>This is popup 2 text but I want it to appear in exactly the same place as popup 1 text does.</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="">item 3<span>same here - how can I get all popups positioned in exactly the same place?</span></a></li>

ul { position: relative; }
ul span { position: absolute; }


You only need to have a relative position on the ul (or one of the divs above it), because that's what you want to make your spans absolute.

Also, kill those P marks around your LIs. You shouldn't have anything between UL and LI.



So you want all the different gaps to appear in the same place? You set a relative position to A, which makes the range "relative" to it.


  • Remove relative positioning to anchor. // Although it doesn't seem to matter in FF for some reason
  • Set the positioning (top, left, etc.) for span to your desired value.

* Your code snippet doesn't work on IE6 / 7, so I didn't bother with errors in it.



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