WPF - Filtering / Finding Multiple Collection Views in a Tree

I have a tree associated with a collection and each item in the collection is bound to a different collection. (using hierachle data templates)

I would like to use the .Filter collection handler to search through a tree. The problem is that I need multiple kinds of collections.

What would be the best way to filter tree items like a search word? I can do this with a single collection binding, but when there are collections within collections, I have problems.


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1 answer

The easiest way I have found this is to create a SearchFilter property

     public string SearchFilter
        get { return _searchFilter; }
            _searchFilter = value;


You bind a search filter to the text box and every time the search text box changes, you notify that the collection has changed

            <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=TemplateDataSchema.SearchFilter, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>


Once the change has occurred in the SearchFilter, the WPF binding system will request a Collection Property which can then be filtered

 public ObservableCollection<Category> MyTreeViewBoundCollection
        get {
            if (_searchFilter.Trim().Length < 1)
                return myObject.Categories;
                ObservableCollection<Category> cats = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
                string searchText = _searchFilter.ToLower().Trim();
                foreach (Category cat in myObject.Categories)
                    Category tmpCat = new Category(cat.CategoryName);
                    foreach (Field field in cat.Fields)
                        if (field.DataDisplayName.ToLower().Contains(searchText))
                    if (tmpCat.Fields.Count > 0)

                return cats;


This will return the filter collection.



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