VB.NET COM Server Implementing Excel UDF Not Callable with Extra Excel.Range
Excel 2007 (12.0.6425.1000) SP2, Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET, Windows Vista p>
I have an Excel UDF written in VB.NET that has this signature:
Public Function NonExcelName(ByVal A As Integer, _
ByRef B As Range, ByRef C As Range, _
Optional ByVal D As Integer = 1, _
Optional ByVal E As Double = 0, _
Optional ByVal F As Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal G As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal H As Integer = 1) As Object
I had nothing to call it in Excel with extra arguments like this:
for several months before last night. Now this is a problem. I do not know why. Symptoms:
- required arguments only
If I have provided all required arguments and omitted the optional ones, the function will be called: I will remove the breakpoint in the VB.NET debugger.- required arguments plus some optional
If I provide all the required arguments plus additional options up to the optional G range, the function gets called: I remove the breakpoint in the VB.NET debugger.- required arguments plus optional via Range G
If I call a function with all required arguments plus optional arguments including Range G, then I get #VALUE! ... In this case, the breakpoint on the first line of code in the debugger is not hit: the function is simply not called.- all parameters of the
Job.- all parameters except the optional parameter G
Does not work.
I cannot identify any Windows updates that might cause this. I have other COM servers implemented in the same way that they do not have additional ranges and do not exhibit this problem.
I have not experimented with Optional ByVal F As Range = Nothing
I haven't uploaded my source code yet until last night. I am trying to do the following.
Is there some sort of COM / .NET interop rule that I am breaking? Is there something about the Windows universe that has changed? What explains why Excel / COM refuses to call this function with an optional comma separated parameter?
Edit 2009-10-07: Changing Integer arguments to Double doesn't help. Changing Optional ByVal F As Range = Nothing
to Optional ByRef F As Range = Nothing
doesn't help.
Edit 2009-10-10: I changed the UDF from DB to NonExcelName to highlight the fact that it doesn't clash with the Excel function name. The real name is for the release of special software on the website, so I didn't want to give a name.
Edit 2009-10-11: I ran Mike's code and I get the same results as with native code: it fails when I omit the optional Semicolon Range argument.
alt text http://www.iwebthereforeiam.com/files/MyDb%20fail.gif
I can enter the required arguments and I'm fine, but as soon as I omit the optional semicolon argument (either by inserting the rest of the arguments or not), the function call generates a #VALUE !.
Edit 2009-10-11: Maybe it looks like this : maybe my additional Range is being passed as a String and not as Nothing. How can I check / confirm this? I don't seem to hit a breakpoint inside my code.
Edit 2009-10-12: Wow. The fix was in two parts.
(1) Using the VB.NET IIf () operator
It is not short-circuiting like the ternary operator in C / C ++ / C #. You cannot write code like this and expect it to work in VB / VBA / VB.NET:
Return IIf(optRange Is Nothing, "<No Range Provided>", optRange.Address)
VB / VBA / VB.NET seems to evaluate both expressions, throwing an exception when the optRange argument is Nothing. You should write it like this:
If optRange Is Nothing Then
Return "<No Range Provided>"
Return optRange.Address
End If
(2) Using an optional object instead of an optional range
I don't quite understand what the problem is, but I cannot get any function to get additional ranges. I am passing in optional objects and it works. This does not work:
Function OptionalRange2(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Excel.Range = Nothing, Optional ByVal optRange2 As Excel.Range = Nothing) As Object
and this does:
Function OptionalRange3(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal optRange2 As Object = Nothing) As Object
Edit 2009-10-12: I've explored several range parsing hypotheses. Interesting as far as I can tell, but not the reason. This function signature shouldn't have this problem because it has an integer in the middle:
Function OptionalRange4(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Excel.Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal optInt As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal optRange2 As Excel.Range = Nothing) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalRange4
And yet it produces #VALUE! for =OptionalRange4(,12,)
I have a fix (declare an optional object, not a range, and apply an argument), but I don't know why I'm having a problem.
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Updated answer regarding additional range options
Okay, after discussing the issue with some MVP Excel applications, there are a few points I can add to this unusual issue regarding extra Range parameters when used in a User Defined Function (UDF) created using VB.NET.
(1) First, this seems to be some kind of subtle issue with the way Excel calls a .NET UDF; the problem cannot be replicated with VBA. For example, the following function, written in VBA, does not show the same problem:
Function OptionalRange4(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Excel.Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal optInt As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal optRange2 As Excel.Range = Nothing) _
As Variant
Dim arg1 As String
Dim arg2 As String
Dim arg3 As String
If optRange1 Is Nothing Then
arg1 = "<Nothing>"
arg1 = optRange1.Address
End If
arg2 = CStr(optInt)
If optRange2 Is Nothing Then
arg3 = "<Nothing>"
arg3 = optRange2.Address
End If
OptionalRange4 = arg1 + "|" + arg2 + "|" + arg3
End Function
(2) Another piece of information I learned is that you can pass one parameter to a worksheet function in multi-zonal ranges by enclosing the entire address of the range in parentheses. For example, the following formula will pass two range arguments to "MyFunction", the first argument being a multi-zone address:
=MyFunction((A1:C3,D4:E5), G11)
So, there are two solutions available to you:
(a) Change the parameter types from range to object and then move the object to range inside your code. This is seemingly the cleanest and simplest approach.
(b) Create a VBA wrapper as your interface, which then calls your Visual Basic.NET code. I'm sure this is not what you would like, but I thought I should mention this. For what it's worth, this approach is a must if you want to use UDFs from VSTO since at least Visual Studio 2008. How to Create Excel UDFs in VSTO Managed Code Paul Stubbs describes this approach.
What can I add Hugh. This is a subtle bug or flaw in the way the Excel call tries to work through the .NET Interop. I don't know why exactly this is failing, but it does. Fortunately, the solution is not too cumbersome.
- Mike
Previous answer regarding extra range options
I still don't know why I can't get this to work:
Function OptionalRange2(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Excel.Range =
Nothing, _ Optional ByVal optRange2 Like Excel.Range = Nothing) Because the object _ Implements IFunctions.OptionalRange2
Both = OptionalRange2 (E2: E7, F2: F7) First = OptionalRange2 (E2: E7,)
Second = OptionalRange2 (, F2: F7)
None = OptionalRange2 ()
None = OptionalRange2 (,)[Calls to both and neither succeed.] The comma changes the call. It is as if, without comma, Excel sends two Nothings, but with comma, it does something else -
β’ send System.Type.Missing / System.Reflection.Missing.Value?
β’ call Range.Value (), the default function on Range, passing a different type of parameter?
In any case, for example, there is a runtime type mismatch because it just doesn't get into the debugger stack frame.
What's going on here is that Excel can get confused when passing range arguments. The reason is that the range address may include a comma, such as the "A1: C3, D4: E5" multicast address. When you pass such an address as a range argument, Excel must determine whether it is one multi-range range or consists of two range arguments in the same scope.
So the question is: how does Excel interpret it?
The answer is that Excel always interprets the comma as the argument separator, so there is really no way to pass a multirange range in one parameter to Excel directly. To do this, you will need to go to a named range (for example, define a multi-scoped range named "MyRange") and then pass that to your custom worksheet function.
So in these examples, when you pass into MyFunction (A1: C3, D4: E5), you are using both parameters, not just one.
Ok, but where is the problem?
The problem is this: how does Excel interpret the address of the range "A1: C3" when passed to a worksheet function? The answer is that Excel is trying to interpret this as a single range address with invalid syntax because the trailing part of the address after the comma is missing. In short, this is a syntax error, so your function is never called in the first place, and the results are #VALUE.
This is very unfortunate, as I already said that Excel should take precedence over the interpretation of the comma as an argument separator, not as a region separator within a range address. But alas, Excel is incompatible here, and it tries to interpret the leading or trailing comma as part of the range address itself.
You've pushed for a solution yourself: change the datatype for these optional parameters from range to object, then move the object to range inside your code. If you do this, Excel will no longer try to interpret the arguments as a range, and everything will work fine.
You can check the difference between the two approaches with the following custom functions:
Function DualOptionalRanges(Optional ByVal optRange1 As Excel.Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal optRange2 As Excel.Range = Nothing) _
As Object _
Implements IFunctions.DualOptionalRanges
Dim arg1 As String = If(optRange1 IsNot Nothing, optRange1.Address, "<Nothing>")
Dim arg2 As String = If(optRange2 IsNot Nothing, optRange2.Address, "<Nothing>")
Return arg1 + "|" + arg2
End Function
Function DualOptionalVariants(Optional ByVal optVariant1 As Object = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal optVariant2 As Object = Nothing) _
As Object _
Implements IFunctions.DualOptionalVariants
Dim range1 As Excel.Range
range1 = CType(optVariant1, Excel.Range)
Catch ex As Exception
range1 = Nothing
End Try
Dim range2 As Excel.Range
range2 = CType(optVariant2, Excel.Range)
Catch ex As Exception
range2 = Nothing
End Try
Dim arg1 As String
If range1 IsNot Nothing Then
arg1 = range1.Address
arg1 = If(optVariant1 IsNot Nothing, optVariant1.ToString(), "<Nothing>")
End If
Dim arg2 As String
If range2 IsNot Nothing Then
arg2 = range2.Address
arg2 = If(optVariant2 IsNot Nothing, optVariant2.ToString(), "<Nothing>")
End If
Return arg1 + "|" + arg2
End Function
I think this should be the last hurdle. (Famous last words, right?)
- Mike
Answer Regarding IIF
Bummer on IIF ("immediate if") problem. In addition to the CType () and DirectCast () statements and the new functionality provided by the IF keyword, I believe that anything that uses method syntax in VB.NET is actually a method call that is executed at runtime. The exceptions are CType () and DirectCast (); they are casting mechanisms that are evaluated at compile time, and the IF keyword can now be used as a statement using syntax similar to the method, but it uses short-circuit evaluation instead of evaluating all parameters before evaluating the IF statement.
The lack of short circuit capability for IIF was discussed in detail by Paul Wick in 2006 in an article IIF, True Ternary Operator and Backward Compatibility . The article shows a strong bias towards modifying IIF to use short circuit estimation compared to VB.NET 2009. However, due to backward compatibility issues, they decided not to change the IIF behavior and just extend how the IF keyword could be used, allowing use it as an operator. This is described in IIF becomes If and a true ternary operator , also by Paul Vick.
Sorry for getting caught up in this.
- Mike
Name conflict response>
Hi Hugh,
I think you have a name conflict with the built-in "DB" function in Excel. If you rename your custom function from "DB" to "MyDb" (or pretty much everything else) I think you will be fine.
It was difficult to find out what could be wrong with your add-in because your code looks clean. So I created an automation add-in using VB.NET and experimented with your custom function (UDF) using the same exact parameter signature you described. I found no problem.
The added automation system was defined as follows:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Text
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
<ComVisible(True)> _
<Guid("7F1A3650-BEE4-4751-B790-3A527195C7EF")> _
Public Interface IFunctions
' * User-Defined Worksheet Functions Definitions *
Function MyDb(ByVal A As Integer, _
ByRef B As Excel.Range, _
ByRef C As Excel.Range, _
Optional ByVal D As Integer = 1, _
Optional ByVal E As Double = 0, _
Optional ByVal F As Excel.Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal G As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal H As Integer = 1) As Object
Function OptionalBoolean(Optional ByVal optBoolean As Boolean = False) As Object
Function OptionalDouble(Optional ByVal optDouble As Double = 0.0) As Object
Function OptionalInteger(Optional ByVal optInteger As Integer = 0) As Object
Function OptionalRange(Optional ByVal optRange As Excel.Range = Nothing) As Object
Function OptionalVariant(Optional ByVal optVariant As Object = Nothing) As Object
End Interface
<ComVisible(True)> _
<Guid("FCC8DC2F-4B44-4fb6-93B5-769E57A908A1")> _
<ProgId("VbOptionalParameters.Functions")> _
<ComDefaultInterface(GetType(IFunctions))> _
<ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
Public Class Functions
Implements IFunctions
' * User-Defined Worksheet Functions */
Function MyDb(ByVal A As Integer, _
ByRef B As Excel.Range, _
ByRef C As Excel.Range, _
Optional ByVal D As Integer = 1, _
Optional ByVal E As Double = 0, _
Optional ByVal F As Excel.Range = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal G As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal H As Integer = 1) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.MyDb
Return "MyDb Successfully called"
End Function
Function OptionalBoolean(Optional ByVal optBoolean As Boolean = False) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalBoolean
Return optBoolean.ToString()
End Function
Function OptionalDouble(Optional ByVal optDouble As Double = 0.0) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalDouble
Return optDouble.ToString()
End Function
Function OptionalInteger(Optional ByVal optInteger As Integer = 0) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalInteger
Return optInteger.ToString()
End Function
Function OptionalRange(Optional ByVal optRange As Excel.Range = Nothing) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalRange
If optRange Is Nothing Then
Return "<No Range Provided>"
Return optRange.Address
End If
End Function
Function OptionalVariant(Optional ByVal optVariant As Object = Nothing) As Object _
Implements IFunctions.OptionalVariant
If optVariant Is Nothing Then
Return "<No Argument Provided>"
Return optVariant.ToString()
End If
End Function
' * automation add-in Registration *
<ComRegisterFunctionAttribute()> _
Public Shared Sub RegisterFunction(ByVal type As Type)
Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey( _
GetSubKeyName(type, "Programmable"))
Dim key As RegistryKey = _
Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey( _
GetSubKeyName(type, "InprocServer32"), _
key.SetValue( _
String.Empty, _
System.Environment.SystemDirectory + "\mscoree.dll", _
End Sub
<ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute()> _
Public Shared Sub UnregisterFunction(ByVal type As Type)
Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKey( _
GetSubKeyName(type, "Programmable"), _
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetSubKeyName(ByVal type As Type, ByVal subKeyCategory As String) As String
Dim sb As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
End Class
Using the above, individual parameters such as Booleans, Doubles, Integer, Ranges or any Variant can be checked with OptionBoolean, OptionDouble, OptionInteger, OptionFange and OptionVariant functions. And the complete function signature can be checked with the "MyDb" function. None of the above succeeded in my testing unless you pass an explicitly incompatible argument type, such as passing a string in an integer or double parameter, passing a numeric value in a range parameter, or the like.
However, there are problems when assigning the main UDF "DB" as it conflicts with the built-in "DB" function in Excel which means "Dropping Balance" and has existed since at least Excel "97. Basically, since the UDF in the Automation add-in has same name as built-in Excel version, your UDF is ignored.
In my testing using Excel 2007, I couldn't get Excel to recognize the "DB" UDF at all. I'm not sure why you seem to be wrong with your call sometimes going through and sometimes not. It is possible that earlier versions of Excel handle this name conflict differently.
The bottom line is that you should be able to rename your UDF and then have no problem. I don't see anything else that could cause this.
I hope Hugh does it for you, fingers crossed ....
Answering additional data types
With so much information, I can only guess, but I don't think you are violating any of the COM interop rules.
I am guessing that the problem is with what kind of arguments you provide to your function. If the arguments passed to a User Defined Function (UDF) do not match the expected parameter types, then Excel will generate #VALUE! error without even calling code at all.
So in your third scenario, which doesn't work, you are passing one of the parameters incorrectly. For example, the signature for the "F" parameter is:
Optional ByVal F As Range = Nothing
With this signature, if you pass it a value directly, such as the string "Hello", then #VALUE! an error will be received if your code is not called. However, if you passed in a cell reference that contained the value "Hello", the "F" parameter would accept it without issue.
What you need to do is try to name your UDF, taking very close look at the parameter types being passed. Change the parameters one at a time and see if you force the UDF to be called at least. You can either set a breakpoint or return a UDF "Success" or the like just for debugging purposes. The key is to simply figure out what the correct parameter types are. I have a feeling that if you do this, you will quickly figure out what is wrong.
In fact, I think I could see the problem:
I'm a little suspicious of your Integer parameters, which are the "A", "D" and "H" parameters. If you pass an integer value to the function directly, then these parameters should work fine. But if you pass in a cell reference, then Excel will automatically go to Range.Value for that cell, automatically is what you want ...
... but the problem is that Excel cells can never store Integer data type! They can of course contain Integer values ββlike 0, 1, 2, -1, etc., but they are actually typed as "Double" if they are held by the cell. To prove it, you can assign Integer to Cell.Value, but it will be stored as Double - if you check the data type stored in Cell.Value with TypeName () or .GetType (). ToString (), it will return "Double".
Cells can contain booleans, strings, doubles, dates, currencies (which corresponds to decimal in .NET) and CVErr values, and what they are. In standard use, they cannot return "Integer". (If you are accessing XLOPER directly via C ++ XLL, then you can technically access integer values, but this is very non-standard and you cannot do that from VB.NET or C #.)
So I would focus on these Integer parameters first, especially with regard to passing an Integer value directly versus passing in a cell reference that contains a numeric value. I'm guessing that the optional "A" parameter can accept a cell reference, but maybe not, I'm not sure, but I'm not even sure if the optional parameters can accept a cell reference while holding a double datatype.
So, in general, I'm guessing here, but I think you should start with a working set of parameters and then change each parameter one by one to see which call works or doesn't work for each parameter.
Good luck Hugh, let us know how it goes ...
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